Attempted military coup in Bolivia FAILS. army general arrested

La Paz. After the failed attempt of a military coup in Bolivia, the police there arrested the army general. The army attempted a coup on the presidential residence in the capital La Paz on Wednesday.
But that attempt obviously failed. Hours later, the General Commander of the Army, Juan Jose Zuniga, was arrested. President Louis Arce said that the attack on the country’s democracy was against him.
Arce said to Zuniga, ‘I am your captain, and I order you to recall your army. “I will not allow this disobedience,” he said. Arce’s return is being called a victory for democracy in Bolivia.
There is widespread anger in Bolivia against the attempted military coup. The people took to the streets against the attempted military coup. Arce thanked the people for their support. Since taking office in 2020, Arce has been leading the government in crisis.

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