Three Poems by Asok Das from India

Three Poems by Asok Das from India 


1. In solitude


It is so necessary to get some

Solitude, at least some time in a day.

In our busiest days of urban life,

Where solitude is a rarity.


The memory is getting weak, often

I miss to recall the familiar names, there

Is no rest to my brainwork, though

It is so necessary to get some



And thus we are being flown

As if river current: If the tide

Were of relent, I could have made

A friendship, could talk upon.


The wind, the shadow and the rain

All pass in the current of time.

And ‘Time’s slave’

We, remain.


 2. The Perception


The evening has passed.

Slowly the darkness covers

The surrounding;

And in midst

Of these She and I are standing face to face

On a boat, on a rustic stream:

Crossing the river together,

The ducks are returning home squabbling

After a swimming through the day;

The toads are croaking in the both of the

Banks. The moon is giving a smiling look

In the light & shadow of the sky.

We are enjoying the environment to the full.

There is no sound except from the Boat dynamo.

Beholding her I could not help but remember

The forgotten Book fair, twenty years ago

As if she had the same look, standing on the green grass

Of the Fair, and I had my own, the same.

Thus twenty years have passed

Twenty Durga Pujas and forty Eids

Have passed in the current of time:

Only this looking at each other remained

The same and sober.


3. At 3:30 am, Night


At 3:30 am, Night

I remained sleepless. Pouring a cup

Of tea from the thermos flax I began

To introspect. I valued

My life for a long time, and once discovered

Tears rolling from my eyes.

All reflections centered on a point and

Whispered “Lie, all blatant lie..”

This lifelong journey is only because

It is Nature’s law, nothing more,

Nothing less. And the inner mind whispered

“All lie, All blatant lie”

It is only true that I have to depart

And go to the single destination,

Where all have gone and all go-

It was 4-15 am, then, it was to

Daybreak soon. The sky would be

Lit now. I wished nobody knew

My introspection and went to sleep

Finally. It did whisper “All lie, blatant

Lie, itself.”

Only the departure is true,

To rest in peace.


Bio of the Poet:

ASOK DAS is a poet from India who was born in Saintiah. He did his Graduation from historical KRISHNANATH COLLEGE. He has published many books of poems and his interests lies in Arts, recitation and listening world poet Rabindranath Tagore’s songs. 



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